What is Android, Its History and Future

 What is Android, Its History and Future

Android Phone is available in every house. Android has rapidly improved to the point that it is now a highly significant smartphone platform globally. By the way, many would know about what is Android and what are its benefits, but there are many people who are completely new to the world of Android and who do not have any knowledge about it. In such a situation, this article will be very beneficial for those people, along with this, those who have a little knowledge will also get to learn something new.

There is nothing to feel bad about it because everyone works in different fields, so if I ask a teacher to cut wood, he may not be able to do it, similarly, if I ask a woodcutter to teach, he cannot do it.

Similarly, not all people have so much information about Mobiles or Computers, that's why we always want to provide information related to computers, Mobile or the Internet to those needy people and we will help you with this purpose.

Keeping in mind the same important objective, today I am going to give you complete information about what is Android Operating System, so that next time someone asks you any other information related to Android Phones or Android, then you are also able to answer it. May it be Because I believe that if you do not know any information then there is nothing wrong with it but if you do not want to know anything new then it is very wrong.

What is Android?

Android is not a phone nor an application, it is an operating system based on the Linux kernel. If I say it in simple language, then Linux is an operating system that is mainly used in server and desktop computers. So Android is just a version of Linux that has been created after many modifications. Yes, but it is related.

Android is such an operating system that was designed keeping Mobile in mind. so that all of the phone's features and applications can be used without difficulty. Whatever you see in the display of the phone, they are all part of the operating system. Your OS processes every call, text message, and email you get and displays it to you in an understandable fashion.

What is android one and why should by it?

Android OS has been divided into many versions and those have been given different numbers according to their features, operation, and stability. So if you have ever heard such a name as Android Lollipop, Marshmallow, or Nougat, then let me tell you that all these are the names of different versions of Android OS or Operating System.

Android History

Android Inc. The original creators are Andy Rubin, who was bought by Google in 2005, and after that, he was made the head of Android Development. Google bought Android because they felt that Android is a very new and interesting concept, with the help of which they can create a powerful but free operating system and which later proved to be true.

With the help of Android, Google got a good reach of the younger audience and with this very good employees of Android also joined Google.

What is IOS?

On March 2013, Andy Rubin decided to leave the company and decided to work on his other project. But even after this, there were no ups and downs in the position of Android and Andy Rubin's vacancy was filled by Sundar Pichai. He used to be the head of Chrome OS and Google used his expertise and experience well in this new project.

Android is the best Mobile Operating System

Android is such a great Mobile Operating System that has been created by Google, if seen, the software created by Google is used in almost all Mobile Phones in the world today. Except for Apple's iPhones. Android is a Linux-based software system. As Linux is an Open Source software and with this it is also absolutely free. This implies that Android operating systems are also usable by other mobile businesses. The main component of this brand is what makes it distinctive. hosts Android's Central Core, a program that serves as the software's operating system and is effectively a strip of code.

Do Android updates cost money?

Downloading and installing Android Updates is absolutely free. By updating, you can get many new features on your mobile phone. Your Android phones' speed and performance consequently improve with each upgrade.

You can receive fresh Android upgrades first in the majority of modern, high-end Android phones.

Yes, let's assume that you will definitely get at least one update on all Android Phones and it is possible that you can get updates twice on any phone.

Are Android's Biggest Competitors Apple and Windows Phone

Apple may be the biggest rival of Android, but with it, Windows Phone has also joined this race. Slowly but surely Windows Phone is also spreading its foot and developing itself according to a reputable mobile ecosystem. Agreed that even now Apple and Android phones are the first choice of people in the market, yet Windows Phone wanted to increase curiosity among people by giving good cameras in Nokia Mobiles.

Apple started both the SmartPhone and Tablet industries together when they released the iPhone in 2007 and the iPad in 2010. Both of them not only did well in the market but also got a lot of support from the people. In the same way, Android has also established its considerable possession in the whole world. If we talk about popularity, even now Apple is performing better than Android. Similarly, if they are placed in order of less than more popular, then the first number is Apple's second, Android's and Windows can be placed in the third place.

Android Meaning

By the way, the way Android is launching its new products and adopting the latest technology, according to that, the future of Android is looking very bright. Recently, Google has given predictions about its future with strange gadgets like Smart Watch, Google Glass, and Google Cars. We hope that Google will be even more successful in this historic step. And create more great things to help the common people.

What did you learn today?

I have full hope that I have given you complete information about what is Android (What is Android) and I hope that you have understood about Android. I request all the readers that you should also share this information with your neighbors, relatives, and friends so that there will be awareness among us and it will be beneficial for everyone. I need your cooperation so that I can convey more new information to you. Read More...

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